KLETVA™ almost there

KLETVA™ is almost ready. See you in January!

KLETVA™ Alessandro Skin

Alessandro is the first KLETVA™ Male Skin ™, Alessandro includesa lot of featured items - click + info

KLETVA™ Pietra Skin

KLETVA™ presents Pietra as debut female skin. Pietra comes with 3 hairbases and 4 tones - click + info

KLETVA™ Happy New Year

KLETVA™ Team wishes you a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year to all group members, and don't forget to get the gift @ in-world group.


It is time for a new voice in today's crowded SL Fashion industry  to be heard! It is time for style to be stripped down to it's bare essentials and rebuilt into something new, something wonderful, something unique and innovative..........it's time for KLETVA.

On January 21st.....prepare to reinvent yourself,


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